Scientific Programme & Speakers


The 10th Stockholm Arthroscopy and Rehabilitation Conference – a sport medicine smorgasboard covers the latest in orthopedics, physiotherapy and sports science. 

Two parallel sessions and workshops led by distinguished national and international speakers will guide you to new insights, or open for interesting discussions. More speakers will be announced during 2025. All talks are in English.

Throughout the conference, you’ll have numerous opportunities to connect with peers, mentors, and leaders within health care and sports science. Engage in meaningful conversations, share your experiences, and build relationships that can open doors to new opportunities.


Day 1

Thursday 16 of October

Swipe to see whole programme

07.30Registration from 07.30
08.30- 08.45ERFORSSALEN Welcome
08.55- 09.45"ACL reconstruction-Live-op"
Bertrand Sonnery Cottet (FR), prof., MD
Chair: Anders Stålman (Swe), Associate prof., MD
"From molecule to performance- the role of recovery"
Clara Onell (Swe), PhD; William Apro (Swe), Associate prof.
Chair: Martin Asker (Swe), Associate prof.
09.45-10.15Coffee break / Sponsors/ exhibition
10.15-11.05"The Scandinavian National Knee Ligament Registries 20 years - what is the benefit?"
Lars Engebretsen (N), prof., MD; Martin Lind (DK), prof., MD; Björn Barenius (Swe), PhD, MD
Chair: Magnus Forssblad (Swe), Associate prof., MD
"Training and hormones - what are the keys for optimal performance in female athletes?"
Angelica Hirschberg-Lindén (Swe), prof., MD; Cecilia Fridén (Swe), prof., RPT; Linda Ekenros (Swe), PhD, RPT
Chair: Cecilia Fridén (Swe), prof., RPT

11.15-12.00"My approach to ACL surgery"
Bertrand Sonnery-Cottet (FR), prof., MD
Chair: Anders Stålman (Swe), Associate prof., MD
"Optimal Training and Recovery in Cross-Country Skiing - with Milano-Cortina 2026 Around the Corner"
HC Holmberg (Swe), prof.
Chair: Per Renström, prof emeritus, MD

12.00-13.00Lunch break / sponsors/ exhibition
13.00-13.50 "ACL-surgery - technique, graft choice and rehabilitation"
Bertrand Sonnery Cottet (FR), prof., MD; Martin Lind (DK), prof., MD; Lars Engebretsen (N), prof., MD; Frida Hansson (Swe), MD; Christina Mikkelsen (Swe), PhD, RPT;
Chair: Magnus Forssblad (Swe), Associate prof., MD
"Advanced footwear technology: performance and injury considerations from a biomechanical perspective."
Toni Arndt (Swe), prof. in Biomechanics; Joanna Kvist (Swe), professor, RPT
Chair: Toni Arndt (Swe), prof. in Biomechanics
14.10-14.40ERFORSSALEN _ KEY NOTE: "Arthrogenic muscle inhibition following knee injury"
Bertrand Sonnery Cottet (FR), prof., MD
Chair: Anders Stålman, Associate prof, MD
14.40-15.00Coffee break / sponsor/ exhibition
15.00-15.50"Cartilage degenerative injury management -State of the art"
Mats Brittberg (Swe), prof., MD; Anders Lindahl (Swe), prof., MD,
Chair: Lars Peterson, prof. emeritus, MD
"Treatment of shoulder injuries in overhead athletes"
Christoffer von Essen (Swe), PhD, MD; Annelies Maenhout (BE), prof., RPT
Chair: Maria Werin (Swe), PhD, RPT

16.00-16.50Paper presentations Paper presentations Workshop 1 (WS1)
Sports Specific stability training depending on direction of instability.

Annelies Maenhout (BE), Associate prof., RPT; Maria Werin (Swe), PhD, RPT
17.00-17.50"Perspectives for future innovation in tendon repair"
Speakers to be announced
Chair: Paul Ackermann (Swe), prof., MD
To be announced Workshop 2 (WS2)
Return to sport after shoulder injury in overhead athletes. 

Martin Asker (SWE), Associate prof.
17.50- 19.00Poster presentation and mingling with refreshments in exhibition hall, researchers stand by their poster
19.30 Dinner and Afterparty with DJ - one floor down

Day 2

Friday 17 of October

Swipe to see whole programme

08.30-09.20"The wrist in sports"
Lars Adolfsson (Swe), prof, MD; Per Fischer (Swe), PhD, MD
Chair: Björn Engström (Swe), Associate prof, MD
Parasport - The Swedish Parasport Akademy
Chair: Anna Bjerkefors (Swe), Associate prof., RPT
Workshop 3 (WS3)
Return to play. Testing after knee and hip - injuries
09.30-10.00ERFORSSALEN _ EJNAR ERIKSSON LECTURE: “My 45 years of ACL struggle”
Björn Engström (Swe), Associate Professor, MD
10.00-10.30Coffee break / Sponsors/ exhibition
10.30-11.20"Hamstring injury – decision making and surgical indications"
Lasse Lempainen (FI), prof., MD; Elsa Pihl, PhD, MD.
Chair: Karl Eriksson (Swe), prof., MD
"A complete athlete - how to cope with sports injuries from a psychosocial perspective"
Adam Gledhill (UK), prof.; Andreas Ivarsson (Swe), prof.; Niklas Cederström (Swe), PhD.
Chair: Ulrika Tranaeus (Swe), Associate prof.
Workshop 4 (WS4)
Arthroscopic techniques - best practice.
11.30-12.00ERFORSSALEN _ KEY NOTE: "Protecting medical autonomy in Sports”
Scott Lynch (USA), prof., MD; Steven Marino (USA), Attorney.
Chair: Per Renström, prof. emeritus, MD
12.00-13.00Lunch break / sponsors/ exhibition
13.00-14.15"Return to play after major injury - biological and psychological perspective"
Lasse Lempainen (FI), prof., MD; Martin Asker (Swe), Associate prof.; Tobias Wörner (Swe), PhD, RPT; Adam Gledhill (UK), prof.
Chair: Ulrika Tranaeus (Swe), Associate prof.
Patella Session Part I & II
I. “Acute patellar dislocation. Early surgery, late surgery, or no surgery. What is the
II. "Future perspectives and AI in surgery"
Manuel Vieira da Silva (PT) prof., MD
Chair: Eva Moström (Swe), PhD, MD

14.15-14.45Coffee break/ sponsor/ exhibition
Chair: Magnus Forssblad, Associate prof., MD
15.45-16.00ERFORSSALEN _ Closure of Conference

Our speakers

Adam Gledhill


Dr Adam Gledhill, Course Director in Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences and a Fellow of the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) and a BASES Accredited Sport and Exercise Scientist, specialized on psychology of sports injury, talent development, and sport coaching. 

Andreas Ivarsson


Dr Andreas Ivarsson, professor of psychology at Halmstad University, Sweden, specialized on the psychological aspects of sports injuries, including the predictors and prevention of such injuries, and psychological factors influencing sports performance and well-being of athletes. 

Anders Lindahl


Dr Anders Lindahl, professor of orthopaedics at the University of Gothenburg, the Institute of Biomedicine at the Sahlgrenska Academy, specialized in cartilage repair, particularly focusing on the use of autologous chondrocyte transplantation (ACT) for treating cartilage defects.

Anders Stålman


Dr Anders Stålman, associate professor at Karolinska Institutet, Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Head of Stockholm Sports Trauma Research Center, and orthopedic surgeon at Capio Artro Clinic, Stockholm, specialized on knee and shoulder surgery, with a particular focus on ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) reconstruction. 

Angelica Lindén Hirschberg


Dr. Angelica Lindén Hirschberg, professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, specialized in gynecological endocrinology and reproductive and metabolic health in women including elite athletes.

Anna Bjerkefors


Dr Anna Bjerkefors, associate professor and senior lecturer at the Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, Department of Physiology, Nutrition, and Biomechanics, Stockholm, specialized in developing evidence-based classification systems for Paralympic sports, particularly paracanoeing and paracycling. 

Annelies Maenhout


Dr. Annelies Maenhout, visiting professor in Physiotherapy at Ghent University, Belgium, within the Rehabilitation Sciences department, specialized in shoulder rehabilitation.

Bertrand Sonnery Cottet


Dr Bertrand Sonnery-Cottet, professor and internationally recognized orthopedic surgeon from Lyon, France, currently holding a position at the Centre Orthopedique Santy, FIFA medical Center of Excellence, specialized in knee surgery and sports trauma.

Björn Barenius


Dr Björn Barenius, associate professor at the Karolinska Institutet, Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Stockholm Sports Trauma Research Center,, and orthopedic surgeon at Capio Artro Clinic, Stockholm, specialized on knee ligament injuries, particularly ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) reconstruction.

Björn Engström


 Dr Björn Engström, associate professor at Karolinska Institutet, Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Stockholm Sports Trauma Research Center, and orthopedic surgeon at Capio Artro Clinic, Stockholm, specialized in the treatment of sports injuries with a special focus on knee- 

Cecilia Fridén


Dr. Cecilia Fridén, professor in Physiotherapy at Mälardalen University and Associate Professor at Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, specializing in women’s health and hormonal influences on physical exercise.

Christina Mikkelsen


Dr Christina Mikkelsen, PhD, adjunct lecturer at Karolinska Institutet, Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Stockholm Sports Trauma Research Center, and head of physiotherapy at Capio Artro Clinic, Stockholm, specialized in rehabilitation and treatment of ACL-injuries.

Christoffer von Essen


Dr Christoffer von Essen, PhD at Karolinska Institutet, Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Stockholm Sports Trauma Research Center, and orthopedic surgeon at Capio Artro Clinic, Stockholm, specialized in arthroscopic rotator cuff surgery and ACL -reconstruction.

Clara Onell


Dr. Clara Onell, PhD, and nutritionist at Sophiahemmet University, specialized in how diet
impacts health, performance, and injury risk in athletes. Clara Onell focuses on tailoring
nutritional strategies to help athletes achieve their goals while maintaining long-term health
and sustainability.

Elsa Pihl


Dr Elsa Pihl, PhD at Karolinska Institutet, Department of Clinical Sciences, and orthopedic surgeon at Danderyds Hospital, specialized on proximal hamstring tendon avulsions, both surgical and non-surgical treatments.

Eva Bengtsson Moström


Dr Eva Bengtsson Moström, PhD, Karolinska Institutet, Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Stockholm Sports Trauma Research Center, and orthopedic surgeon at Capio Artro Clinic, Stockholm, specialized on ACL reconstruction and patellar dislocations in children and adolescents. 

Frida Hansson


Frida Hansson, PhD student at Karolinska Institutet, Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Stockholm Sports Trauma Research Center, Stockholm, and orthopedic surgeon at Capio Artro Clinic, Stockholm, specialized on sports medicine with a particular focus on ACL reconstruction in children and adolescents. 

HC Holmberg


Dr Hans-Christer Holmberg, professor at Luleå University of Technology, Department of Health, Education, and Technology, Division of Health, Medicine, and Rehabilitation, specialized on performance analysis and training optimization for athletes. 

Joanna Kvist


Dr Joanna Kvist, professor of physiotherapy at Linköping University, Department of Health, Medicine, and Caring Sciences, Division of Prevention, Rehabilitation, and Community Medicine, specialized on risk factors, treatment, and consequences of sports injuries. 

Karl Eriksson


Dr Karl Eriksson, professor of orthopedics at Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm Sports Trauma Research Center, and orthopedic surgeon at Stockholm South General Hospital, specialized on trauma and soft-tissue injuries of the knee (such as ligament, meniscus, and cartilage injuries), joint replacement surgery and fracture surgery.

Lars Adolfsson


Dr Lars Adolfsson, professor at Linköping University, Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences, Division of Surgery, Orthopedics, and Oncology, Sweden, orthopedic surgeon specialized on diagnosis and treatment of injuries and pain conditions in the upper extremities, including the hand, wrist, elbow, and shoulder. 

Lars Engebretsen


Dr Lars Engebretsen, professor emeritus, and consultant orthopedic surgery at the Orthopedic Clinic, University of Oslo Medical School, specializing on resurfacing techniques for cartilage injuries, complex knee ligament injuries, and prevention techniques for sports injuries. 

Lars Peterson


Dr Lars Peterson, professor emeritus of orthopaedic surgery at the University of Gothenburg, specialized in autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI), a method for repairing cartilage using a patient’s own cells. This technique has significantly advanced the field of cartilage repair and orthopedic surgery.

Lasse Lempainen


Dr. Lasse Lempainen, professor in Orthopedic Sports Medicine at the University of Turku, Finland, and an internationally recognized sports orthopedic surgeon specializing in hamstring and Achilles tendon injuries and disorders. 

Linda Ekenros


Dr Linda Ekenros, PhD, assistant senior lecturer at Karolinska Institutet, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences, and Society, Division of Physiotherapy, Stockholm, specialized in women’s health and the impact of the menstrual cycle on training and performance.

Magnus Forssblad


Dr Magnus Forssblad, associate professor at Karolinska Institutet, Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Stockholm Sports Trauma Research Center and orthopedic surgeon at Ortopedi Stockholm, specializing on sports injuries and the impact of surgeon experience

Manuel Vieira da Silva


Dr. Manuel Vieira da Silva, professor, orthopedic surgeon, Head of Department of Hospital Braga, Portugal, specialized in knee surgery including procedures such as ACL reconstruction, meniscus repair and advanced surgical techniques treating patellofemoral joint instability. 

Maria Werin


Dr Maria Werin, PhD at Ghent University, and a sports physical therapist at Capio Artro Clinic, Stockholm Sweden, specialized in the treatment of shoulder injuries in overhead athletes.

Martin Asker


Dr Martin Asker, associate professor at Sophiahemmet University and head of the Handball Research Group at the Musculoskeletal & Sports Injury Epidemiology Center, Stockholm, specialized on injury prevention, prognosis, and performance in handball. 

Martin Lind


Dr Martin Lind, professor at the Department of Clinical Medicine, and orthopedic surgeon at Aarhus University in Denmark, specializing on cartilage restoration, knee ligament reconstruction, patellofemoral disorders, and sports traumatology epidemiology. 

Mats Brittberg


Dr Mats Brittberg, professor of orthopaedics at the University of Gothenburg, the Institution of Clinical Sciences, Department of Orthopedics, specialized in cartilage repair, particularly focusing on the use of in vitro expanded autologous chondrocytes for cartilage regeneration. 

Niklas Cederström


Dr. Niklas Cederström, PhD in Health Sciences at Lunds University in 2022, exploring the use of a psychological skills training intervention to improve rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries and diseases. 

Paul Ackermann


Dr Paul Ackermann, professor of orthopedics at Karolinska Institutet, Institutionen för Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Stockholm, specialized in the biology of tendon healing, development of new surgical techniques, and the use of biological therapies to enhance tendon repair. 

Per Renström


Dr Per Renström, professor emeritus of sports medicine at Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm Sports Trauma Research Center, specialized in the epidemiology of sports injuries and biomechanics and treatment of knee and ankle ligament injuries. 

Scott Lynch


Dr Scott Lynch, professor at Penn State College of Medicine, USA. and a sports orthopedic surgeon specialized in knee ligament and meniscal injuries, wrestling injuries and skin diseases, patellar instability, hip arthroscopy and hip pain in young patients, medical autonomy best practices and sports concussions.

Tobias Wörner


Dr Tobias Wörner, PhD, assistant researcher at Lund University, affiliated to Karolinska Institutet, Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Stockholm Sports Trauma Research Center, and physical therapist at Capio Artro Clinic, Stockholm, specialized in knee and hip injuries such as FAI and ACL-injuries and the rehabilitation following surgical treatment.

Toni Arndt


Dr. Toni Arndt, professor in Biomechanics at The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences (GIH) in Stockholm, Sweden, specializing in lower extremity muscle-tendon function, athletic footwear and sports biomechanics.

Ulrika Tranaeus


Dr Ulrika Traneus, associate professor and senior lecturer at the Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, Department of Physiology, Nutrition, and Biomechanics, Section for Coaching and Sport Performance Development, Stockholm, specialized on the psychology of sports injuries including risk factors, treatment and injury prevention. 

William Apró


Dr William Apro, a project researcher at the Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, and the Department of Physiology, Nutrition, and Biomechanics, Stockholm, specialized on the understanding of the molecular mechanisms that regulate protein synthesis and breakdown in human skeletal muscles.

More speakers will continuously be added to the list and program. All talks are in English. 

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